We wanted the dust to settle before we did or said anything on the Met Gala. Sure we sacrificed timeliness, and no we haven’t been living under a rock, but we wanted everyone to get their opinions out there and the images to circulate giving us time to digest and critic accordingly. Nobody likes rash decisions or snap judgments.
Our first thought, we are pretty disappointed there wasn’t a flannel shirt in sight, or at least a version of one. Shouldn’t at least one person have given homage to the chilly Seattle weather of the early 90’s? Sure its not technical punk but its near enough that it would have been genius. Stylists thinking in the box aside… we have only one person in our minds that properly executed the themeing of the Met Ball.
Drum roll please. Da-da-da! Madonna.
Ladies and Gents, the material girl herself said it best, when dressing punk you start at the bottom and work your way up. After seeing all of her outfits of the evening, we immediately had visions of the potential Agent Provocateur ad campaign that someone at that company should be jumping on. We saw classic punk in all forms, leather, blunt short bangs, fishnets, semi-dominatrix accessories, and a F*%& you attitude. We think most people missed the mark, opting for pretty over punk. While some confused punk with tacky. Our greater question is why hostess and friends (whose names will be left out) who picked the theme ignored it?
We liked Cara Delavigne’s gown, but we wish the front was less of a plunge and she showed off the back a little more. The back of her dress was gorgeous and had the right amount of attitude… plus no one is ever at a loss when they show off their assssets. As for the legendary lip lock? Well Sienna Miller is beyond stunning so hey why not? We know some girls who give little pecks goodbye and hello on the lips, play spin the bottle on the dance floor, but unfortunately it’s not edgy anymore, it would have been far more scintillating to have the rumors spread slowly, and a leaked image from an after party weeks later. Quick someone hire us for PR!
Of course, Tom and Gisele looked stunning and stupid hott. The amount of amazing genes that are in that couple make us weep tears of joy at the hope that our kids could one day date their kids. Frankly Gisele looked amazing and punk chic, and she would have looked that way in a paper bag. We were intrigued by Miley Cyrus’ naked dress it was like the punked up version of Marilyn Monroe’s beads and skin. Over all with youth on her side we give it a thumbs up, she’s young she’s hott and she rocked it all night long. We were equally interested in Nicole Richie’s white hair and white column dress, more modern than punk. We would have loved to see some safety pin blinged out earrings with it perhaps?
Katy Perry really swung for the fences and although Gustav Klimt is not on the nose punk we could see where she got to that in a way – really we just loved the Klimt metallic and referencing, if not the crown and the outfit as a whole. We absolutely adored Jennifer Lawrence’s look, hey it’s hard to look punk when Dior is the house that is dressing you. We liked to think of her as the lady of punk. What was punk? Her spiked heels and her demur yet femme fatale blusher, these might become the accessories for fall just watch. (Remember we called it first). We could have done without the sea of all black cut out gowns, its not punk its boring especially with so many of them. Who did we actually love? The Olsen twins looks, they were bright bo-bo punks (Bo-bo: Bohemian Bourgeoisie) We super loved the fur trimmed oriental coat, but would have loved if it was hemmed a little allowing the train from the dress underneath to take over the line of the silhouette.
But as great as any of these ladies red carpet walk is, what we really feel matters is at the end of the night when they are being picked up by their drivers and pouring themselves into the back seat of that town car, did they have a good time? Was is a good party? Was the music good, could you dance to it? What does the actual exhibit look like, who curated it? We think that the Met Ball has got to be a great party because no one is seen leaving early, unless they sneak out the back with a doggie bag stuffed under their coat. Truth is whether it’s the Met Ball or our neighbor’s Sweet Sixteen, you want to wear something feel confident in, you want to look good in the photos, and you want to leave the night behind saying man that was worth the makeup.
Bottom line, the Met Gala is always like the Oscars of styling. It’s a star’s crowning moment or their longest walk of shame. And for these girls who consume fashion at startling rates, we can never get enough. But what we really loved is how the Met Gala always brings up that age-old question – What would you have worn?
Love you, mean it…